
Topsfield Home and Garden Show

This past Saturday, Total Basement Finishing was at the Home and Garden show in Topsfield, MA. Home shows are always such an amazing and rewarding experience. We get to know other home pros working in our area, learn about all kinds of interesting products, and get the chance to interface directly with our potential clients.

Check out this gorgeous booth!

Topsfield Home and Garden Show - Image 1

It was a chilly rainy day, so we were lucky to be by the fire! Our favorite frequent guests to the fire were little kids hoping to explore the cozy territory. One little toddler asked his mom, “can I have this in my room?”

After laughing with the little ones and their parents, we had some great conversations with homeowners about their basements. Many homeowners have been thinking about finishing their basements for years. One couple said they’d been thinking about it since they bought their house… 20 years ago! We can’t believe people wait so long! The sooner you finish your basement, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy it!

Don’t wait until you’re ready to move, finish the basement when you’re still planning on living in your home. Added property value when it comes to resale is important, but not as important as feeling comfortable every day.

Thank you to everyone who came to see us at Topsfield, we’ll look forward to meeting new people at the next show!



About the author

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Gwen Hurd
Gwen Hurd, Marketing Assistant, earned her BA in English from UMass Amherst and her MA in Communication from SNHU. Gwen found herself excited about all things house & home when she invested in a 260 year old NH farmhouse.

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